Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hawks and other stuff...

I haven't seen the hawk in a while.  I wonder what happened to it.  I couldn't believe that it sat so close to our window and we were able to take pictures of it.  Ms. Fuezery has a picture of it, she just has to download it and post it online.  I was very grateful for the help of Luis, who helped Ms. Fuezery take a good, mosquito-net-free picture of it, so that I, too, could see the hawk.  There is something so interesting about predators; they always seem so majestic and graceful to me. 

On another note, I cannot believe that we are almost done school.  It seems like it began only recently (Oh, I guess it did for me!).  I look forward to doing a lot of reading and spending time outdoors during the summer.  I think that I will go bicycling a lot (with my helmet!).   That way I can go explore the area, a lot of which I haven't seen before.

What about all of you?  Do you already have plans for the summer? 

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