Friday, April 22, 2011

A Little Bit of Boston History

Hello friends!  Yesterday I went on a historical tour of Boston, or at least a partial tour.  I visited some points of interest along the Freedom Trail.  I started my journey at Central Square, once again, and journeyed through Downtown Crossing.  The subway was still a very exciting experience for me.  I’m learning some important subway/train etiquette, such as giving up your seat to others when there aren’t enough seats (Ms. Fuezery assured me that we do this as a sign of respect for our elders).  

Our fist stop was the old State House.  I found the most interesting model of the State House inside the museum; finally something that was in my size!  Of course, I had to pose with it.  Then, I also had to pose with the real State House, because after all, it was a very important part of our history.   Did you know that that is the first place from which they read aloud the Declaration of Independence to the people of Boston?  It is also the site of the Boston Massacre.  What a sad occasion.   The building, however, is absolutely gorgeous, with its symmetrical faces and classical architectural characteristics.  I also really liked the balcony from which they read the Declaration. 

Our next stop was Quincy Market for lunch.  I had the opportunity to try clam chowder, a food for which Boston is well known, and it was absolutely delicious. 

And the most exciting part of my day?  You probably guessed it from the picture below, but it was seeing, and getting to take a picture with, a 10 lb. male lobster.  How often do you get to do that?  Not very I can tell you.  Did you know that a lobster only turns that typical red color after it has been cooked?  That was an interesting fact to learn.  Poor thing… All in all, it was a wonderful day, with beautiful weather and very enjoyable company.  :)

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