Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Surgery for Bob!

Hello Everyone,
I'm sorry that it took this long for me to write again.  I've been to the hospital several times, and it has now been decided that, unfortunately, I need surgery.  I have a fractured ear; can you believe that?!  I really don't want to have surgery, but it seems that there is nothing else to be done.  I miss my ear.  Yes, it fell off completely, so I am hearing out of one ear only at the moment.  I guess that I have to be brave and just get it over with.  I am told that once it is over, life will get back to normal and I'll be able to come back to school.  I miss all of you!  

I hope that everyone had a great vacation.  I enjoyed traveling around Boston, but it was not nearly as nice outside as I would have liked.  Now, I am at home doing some reading and watching a bit of television.  Maybe I'll tape the royal wedding in London for Ms. Fuezery, if I am still at home on Friday and watch it live myself.  It sounds exciting!  I have heard that a lot of people will be attending it and watching it on TV if they can't be there.  It seems that that is all that people talk about now.  I wonder how many people will be there...

Anyway, I had better go, because there are some chocolate Easter eggs with my name on them sitting on the table just a few feet away.  Yum...

Oh!  I just remembered:  I found a new game which I thought you might enjoy.  I posted it on the side in the "What I'm Playing Right Now" section.  I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do.

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