Saturday, April 16, 2011

My first post!

Hi everyone!   I am so excited to be writing my first post.  I am busy planning my vacation.  I haven't decided where I would like to go yet, but there are so many places to see in and around Boston and Somerville (especially considering that I was only born recently, so I haven't seen any of it yet).  I think that tomorrow I will start my adventures by sauntering down to the New England Aquarium and exploring that area.  Okay, I admit, I won't be "sauntering" so much as being carried, but that is okay. 

In anticipation of that, and this is the most exciting part of my day today, I have received the most wonderful gift ever:  two turtles!  Ms. Fuezery says that I can only keep them though, if I take proper care of them.  So, I'll have to be sure to feed them properly.  I'm not sure what to name them yet...


  1. I have a few names in mind. Susie, Todd, Shelly. I hope u like them! Love, Gurleen Hayer

  2. Thank you for the suggestions Gurleen. Susie and Todd sound like perfect turtle names. Problem solved!

  3. Its my pleasure to help give names. I love helping people! -Gurleen Hayer
