Thursday, May 5, 2011

My name is Bob Gilbert!

I don't know why people keep trying to rename me.  Have you ever had that experience?  Have you ever met someone who either could remember your name, or simply refused to call you by your real name?  I find that really annoying, especially because I like my name.  It would be okay if I chose to change it, and I reserve the right to do so at any later date if I feel like it. 

At first, I was Bob.  Then I acquired a last name, which was fine, because, well, everyone has a last name (or, atleast, everyone I know).  But now, I find that people feel they can rename me.  I like my name, and so I am sticking up for myself and saying, hey, leave my name alone.  My name is Bob Gilbert.  End of discussion.

On another note, it is really nice to be back in school.  I missed everyone tremendously!  My surgery was successful, as I am sure that you could see.  All my appendages (ears and legs) are back where they belong, thank goodness.  Thank you Dr. Weedon!  You were very kind to me.  I can now look forward to a long, healthy, and happy life. 

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