Monday, May 23, 2011

Isn't it supposed to be April showers?

I thought that the saying went, "April showers bring May flowers."  Well, from where I'm "standing", that is only partially true.  We do have the flowers, but there are still plenty of showers.  Raise your hand if you are tired of the rain.  Oh, wait.  I guess we can't do that through the blog.  I will just have to settle for a survey then. 

It is far too dreary outside.   It felt wonderful to have a short break from this dark, grey weather on Saturday, and to see the glorious sun.  I remain hopeful that it will return again soon.   Furthermore, I remain hopeful that the weather will warm up soon as well. 

On that note, I have heard a rumor that "Field Day" is coming up soon on Friday, June 3.  That sounds like it should be a lot of fun.  I have heard only good things about it, and I look forward to seeing it with my own eyes.   I can't believe that it is almost June.  Can you? 

On another note, Happy Victoria Day to anyone who celebrates it.   I'm not too jealous of those Canadians, because Memorial Day is next Monday.  We'll get our day off then. 

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