Friday, May 13, 2011

I have pride in our Pride!

Hello All, I wanted to write yesterday, but alas, the website was down and wouldn't allow me to do so.  Therefore, here is what I wanted to share with you yesterday.  Better late than never.

I find nothing more exciting than watching a team play a game where they have to defeat enormous odds, and they rise to the occasion.  That is exactly what the boys’ basketball team did today.  They worked extremely hard, sprinting from one end of the court to the other, claiming rebounds, and scoring three-point shots and lay-up after lay-up.  Have you ever experienced a situation where you started shaking in your excitement as you waited to discover the outcome of a situation?  That was how I felt today, cheering for the team.  They made an amazing comeback, and although they did not win, they were extremely close and are able to walk away with their heads held high, because they truly played as a team.  Keep working on the well-oiled machine, and keep listening to each other boys.  If it’s working, which it seems to be, it’s worth working on and improving.  There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you work together; I look forward to a win the next time… 

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