Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I feel like a superstar!   I never meant for this to happen... I wonder if I will have to start signing autographs now.  Maybe I should keep a pen on me at all times.  Hold on a second; where would I keep a pen?  I can't believe that there are pictures of me on google.   I guess that should be a lesson to me:  You never know where your pictures will end up and who will be able to see them.  I guess that anything that is posted online becomes fair game for sharing.  I'm sure you have heard that a thousand times before, but it has just become very real for me.  I guess that I better be careful about what I post and where...

The weather was gorgeous outside today.  Here's hoping that it continues.  I heard a rumor that Ms. Fuezery will take you out for recess tomorrow if it isn't raining.  I am trying to cross my fingers for you, you just can't see it.  Enjoy the nice weather!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thats a big step for You! It's amazing how the Internet has grown these days.

    -Gurleen H

    P.S. you spelled online wrong
