Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How do we say "Goodbye?"

How do we say goodbye to friends?  Hopefully, it won't be goodbye, just a farewell or see you later, until we meet again.  It is always hard when one thing ends and another begins.  Sometimes you are ready to move on and other times you wish you didn't have to go.  I suppose everything must come to an end, and all we can do is hope that the journey was fun and that we learned a lot along the way.  Friendships were formed, and I hope that they last a long, long time and stay true.  As for what is to come, I am an eternal optimist, so I am looking forward to the adventure as, I hope, are you.  Have a great summer! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sharks and Stingrays

On the weekend I was lucky enough to be able to visit the New England Aquarium, which is one of my favorite places in Boston.  I am always fascinated by the Giant Ocean Tank, and could sit around for hours staring at the marine life swimming round and round.  In fact, I did exactly that.  I am also always fascinated by the fact that the animals, especially the sharks in the tank, do not eat each other.  I once heard a diver who worked there state that they actually overfeed the animals, so that they are not even tempted to nibble on any other occupants of the tank. 

While at the aquarium, I also had the opportunity to visit their new Touch Tank exhibit, and guess what?  I got to touch a small hammerhead shark and small stingrays!  They swim right up to you if you hold your hand still in the water.  It was amazing!   They feel slightly slimy, but it was well worth it.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to take any pictures (as I was too busy trying to touch the animals), so I am borrowing a few pictures from the Aquarium's website, just so that you can see what it looked like.

(The blond kid is not me.) 
Picture Source:

Monday, June 13, 2011

There is a sun after all!

It is really nice to see the sun again after all of that rain.  I couldn't believe the storm that we had last Thursday!  The clouds appeared to lie like a blanket over the city, and then they blasted us with a heavy stream of rain.  It was like nothing that I have seen before.  Luckily, so far we have been able to avoid tornadoes.  I hope that our luck will continue.

Good luck to all who are performing in the Student Showcase tomorrow.  As it is said in the acting world, "Break a leg."  (Please don't actually do that!)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hawks and other stuff...

I haven't seen the hawk in a while.  I wonder what happened to it.  I couldn't believe that it sat so close to our window and we were able to take pictures of it.  Ms. Fuezery has a picture of it, she just has to download it and post it online.  I was very grateful for the help of Luis, who helped Ms. Fuezery take a good, mosquito-net-free picture of it, so that I, too, could see the hawk.  There is something so interesting about predators; they always seem so majestic and graceful to me. 

On another note, I cannot believe that we are almost done school.  It seems like it began only recently (Oh, I guess it did for me!).  I look forward to doing a lot of reading and spending time outdoors during the summer.  I think that I will go bicycling a lot (with my helmet!).   That way I can go explore the area, a lot of which I haven't seen before.

What about all of you?  Do you already have plans for the summer? 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What would I do without all of you?

Thank you to Gurleen who read my last post and corrected some of my spelling.  I make mistakes too and it is nice to have my own "guardian spelling angel."  I guess when we're in a hurry we stop paying close attention to things like grammar and spelling.  Hmmm... That sounds like something I've heard about before: texting and email.  In fact, in the interest of speedy responses, emails, messaging and texting have their own language (with which all of you are very familiar).  I find it really interesting that we can keep those forms of writing separate from all the other ways we write, for school assignments for example.  It's almost like having a second personality. 

On another note, I look forward to a good basketball game downstairs.  Go Pride!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I feel like a superstar!   I never meant for this to happen... I wonder if I will have to start signing autographs now.  Maybe I should keep a pen on me at all times.  Hold on a second; where would I keep a pen?  I can't believe that there are pictures of me on google.   I guess that should be a lesson to me:  You never know where your pictures will end up and who will be able to see them.  I guess that anything that is posted online becomes fair game for sharing.  I'm sure you have heard that a thousand times before, but it has just become very real for me.  I guess that I better be careful about what I post and where...

The weather was gorgeous outside today.  Here's hoping that it continues.  I heard a rumor that Ms. Fuezery will take you out for recess tomorrow if it isn't raining.  I am trying to cross my fingers for you, you just can't see it.  Enjoy the nice weather!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Isn't it supposed to be April showers?

I thought that the saying went, "April showers bring May flowers."  Well, from where I'm "standing", that is only partially true.  We do have the flowers, but there are still plenty of showers.  Raise your hand if you are tired of the rain.  Oh, wait.  I guess we can't do that through the blog.  I will just have to settle for a survey then. 

It is far too dreary outside.   It felt wonderful to have a short break from this dark, grey weather on Saturday, and to see the glorious sun.  I remain hopeful that it will return again soon.   Furthermore, I remain hopeful that the weather will warm up soon as well. 

On that note, I have heard a rumor that "Field Day" is coming up soon on Friday, June 3.  That sounds like it should be a lot of fun.  I have heard only good things about it, and I look forward to seeing it with my own eyes.   I can't believe that it is almost June.  Can you? 

On another note, Happy Victoria Day to anyone who celebrates it.   I'm not too jealous of those Canadians, because Memorial Day is next Monday.  We'll get our day off then. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

I have pride in our Pride!

Hello All, I wanted to write yesterday, but alas, the website was down and wouldn't allow me to do so.  Therefore, here is what I wanted to share with you yesterday.  Better late than never.

I find nothing more exciting than watching a team play a game where they have to defeat enormous odds, and they rise to the occasion.  That is exactly what the boys’ basketball team did today.  They worked extremely hard, sprinting from one end of the court to the other, claiming rebounds, and scoring three-point shots and lay-up after lay-up.  Have you ever experienced a situation where you started shaking in your excitement as you waited to discover the outcome of a situation?  That was how I felt today, cheering for the team.  They made an amazing comeback, and although they did not win, they were extremely close and are able to walk away with their heads held high, because they truly played as a team.  Keep working on the well-oiled machine, and keep listening to each other boys.  If it’s working, which it seems to be, it’s worth working on and improving.  There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you work together; I look forward to a win the next time… 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What a game!

Oh, what a game it was!   It was hard to choose what to focus my eyes on: the fast-paced game or the colossal crowd of spectators!  The girls did a fantastic job!  Not only did they win, but they played hard and worked well together.  It was a very exciting game with numerous interceptions and I can only dream about the heights to which these girls went to capture the rebounds.  It was amazing to watch!  I wish I could jump that high.  Sigh...  I look forward to seeing the boys' team play on Thursday. 

Have you ever thought about what makes one person enjoy one sport, while someone else prefers a completely different sport?  I guess it must have something to do with the skills that you already have; the better you are at something, the more you enjoy it.  Is that how it always works?  I wonder... What about people who try new sports and grow to like them?  Can you enjoy participating in a sport even if you are not the "best" at it?  Can you enjoy anything if you are not good at it?  Is it always true that we tend to choose activities that we can do easily?  That also made me question myself about whether easy is always better.  Isn't easy sometimes boring?  I know that I definitely enjoy a challenge when it comes to everything that I do, although I also admit that it is more enjoyable if I can be successful.  I've recently been taught how to do Sudoku's, for example, and I love them, because they challenge me.  However, the hard ones are really hard (I do try them though). 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

One more thing...

I wanted to share one more thing with you all.  I love the spring!   Don't you?  Have you taken the time to stop and smell the flowers?  Gorgeous flowers are in bloom everywhere in all sorts of vivid colors, and I am constantly distracted by their scent and how lovely they look.  If you haven't taken the time to observe them yet, I hope you will soon, because they are too good to miss!

My name is Bob Gilbert!

I don't know why people keep trying to rename me.  Have you ever had that experience?  Have you ever met someone who either could remember your name, or simply refused to call you by your real name?  I find that really annoying, especially because I like my name.  It would be okay if I chose to change it, and I reserve the right to do so at any later date if I feel like it. 

At first, I was Bob.  Then I acquired a last name, which was fine, because, well, everyone has a last name (or, atleast, everyone I know).  But now, I find that people feel they can rename me.  I like my name, and so I am sticking up for myself and saying, hey, leave my name alone.  My name is Bob Gilbert.  End of discussion.

On another note, it is really nice to be back in school.  I missed everyone tremendously!  My surgery was successful, as I am sure that you could see.  All my appendages (ears and legs) are back where they belong, thank goodness.  Thank you Dr. Weedon!  You were very kind to me.  I can now look forward to a long, healthy, and happy life. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Surgery for Bob!

Hello Everyone,
I'm sorry that it took this long for me to write again.  I've been to the hospital several times, and it has now been decided that, unfortunately, I need surgery.  I have a fractured ear; can you believe that?!  I really don't want to have surgery, but it seems that there is nothing else to be done.  I miss my ear.  Yes, it fell off completely, so I am hearing out of one ear only at the moment.  I guess that I have to be brave and just get it over with.  I am told that once it is over, life will get back to normal and I'll be able to come back to school.  I miss all of you!  

I hope that everyone had a great vacation.  I enjoyed traveling around Boston, but it was not nearly as nice outside as I would have liked.  Now, I am at home doing some reading and watching a bit of television.  Maybe I'll tape the royal wedding in London for Ms. Fuezery, if I am still at home on Friday and watch it live myself.  It sounds exciting!  I have heard that a lot of people will be attending it and watching it on TV if they can't be there.  It seems that that is all that people talk about now.  I wonder how many people will be there...

Anyway, I had better go, because there are some chocolate Easter eggs with my name on them sitting on the table just a few feet away.  Yum...

Oh!  I just remembered:  I found a new game which I thought you might enjoy.  I posted it on the side in the "What I'm Playing Right Now" section.  I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Little Bit of Boston History

Hello friends!  Yesterday I went on a historical tour of Boston, or at least a partial tour.  I visited some points of interest along the Freedom Trail.  I started my journey at Central Square, once again, and journeyed through Downtown Crossing.  The subway was still a very exciting experience for me.  I’m learning some important subway/train etiquette, such as giving up your seat to others when there aren’t enough seats (Ms. Fuezery assured me that we do this as a sign of respect for our elders).  

Our fist stop was the old State House.  I found the most interesting model of the State House inside the museum; finally something that was in my size!  Of course, I had to pose with it.  Then, I also had to pose with the real State House, because after all, it was a very important part of our history.   Did you know that that is the first place from which they read aloud the Declaration of Independence to the people of Boston?  It is also the site of the Boston Massacre.  What a sad occasion.   The building, however, is absolutely gorgeous, with its symmetrical faces and classical architectural characteristics.  I also really liked the balcony from which they read the Declaration. 

Our next stop was Quincy Market for lunch.  I had the opportunity to try clam chowder, a food for which Boston is well known, and it was absolutely delicious. 

And the most exciting part of my day?  You probably guessed it from the picture below, but it was seeing, and getting to take a picture with, a 10 lb. male lobster.  How often do you get to do that?  Not very I can tell you.  Did you know that a lobster only turns that typical red color after it has been cooked?  That was an interesting fact to learn.  Poor thing… All in all, it was a wonderful day, with beautiful weather and very enjoyable company.  :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MIT Adventure!

I went on a long walk the other day along the Charles River.  It was a lovely day, wonderfully sunny, but very windy.    I was almost blown away a couple of times, as you can tell by the pictures. 

As I crossed the Longfellow Bridge back towards Cambridge, guess what I saw?  I observed some markings along the bridge, which seemed to be a type of measurement system, using “Smoots” as the unit of measurement.  Ms. Fuezery then told me the story of how the length of the bridge was measured by several MIT engineers.  Their unit of measurement was the “Smoot”, which was the length of a specific person, named Smoot.  Every so often they would mark how far along the bridge you had progressed, in Smoots.  What a whimsical idea!

After that, of course, I had to visit the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus, which is found just at the end of the bridge.  It was absolutely beautiful!  I found a really interesting statue of a person’s upper torso, made entirely out of metallic mathematical symbols and numbers, all painted white.  It was a great adventure!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday's Adventures (4/18)

Hello Everyone, I finally have some time to blog, now that the weather is so grey and rainy outside.  I had quite the adventure yesterday; I discovered a lot of new places around downtown Boston.  I started off my journey at a T station, heading downtown.  What an interesting idea to have a train underground which can travel around without disturbing those above ground.   I have to say though that it was a bit too dark and smelly for my liking.  It was also very crowded at first, until we passed Park Street and then a lot of people got off the train and I finally got a seat.

I finally returned above ground near the aquarium.  It was a beautiful day outside, the sun shinning, nice and warm.  I wandered around and discovered the most interesting sculptures.  I especially enjoyed the sensation of the salty-ocean smell in my nose.  I almost fell into the water a couple of times, but luckily, Ms. Fuezery was there to keep a hold of me, so that I wouldn’t float out to sea. 

Guess what I learned yesterday?!!!  I learned how to skateboard!!  Ms. Fuezery and I ran across a couple of nice fellows and talked them into loaning us a skateboard so that I could try it.  I have to admit that it was a bit difficult at first, considering that my legs are lacking bones, and it’s hard for me to stand up.  One of the gentlemen, though, was kind enough to help me out by holding me up, which made it a lot easier.  I had a blast! 
I ended my day by catching a quick bite to eat at Quincy market.  Yum!  I love the clam chowder there.  I can’t think of anything that is more delicious!  I hope that you are all having a wonderful vacation so far!  I’ll write again soon. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My first post!

Hi everyone!   I am so excited to be writing my first post.  I am busy planning my vacation.  I haven't decided where I would like to go yet, but there are so many places to see in and around Boston and Somerville (especially considering that I was only born recently, so I haven't seen any of it yet).  I think that tomorrow I will start my adventures by sauntering down to the New England Aquarium and exploring that area.  Okay, I admit, I won't be "sauntering" so much as being carried, but that is okay. 

In anticipation of that, and this is the most exciting part of my day today, I have received the most wonderful gift ever:  two turtles!  Ms. Fuezery says that I can only keep them though, if I take proper care of them.  So, I'll have to be sure to feed them properly.  I'm not sure what to name them yet...